- 管理店舖營運
- Store operations management
- 帶領及激勵銷售團隊和前線員工以達致公司生意指標及服務標準
- Lead and motivate sales team and frontline staff to achieve the company's business targets and service standards
- 負責銷售及推廣公司產品
- Responsible for sales and promotion of company products
- 解答客人查詢、提供優質的客戶服務
- Feedback to customer's enquiries, provide quality services to customers
- 中五或以上程度
- Form 5 or above
- 具三年或以上零售管理經驗
- Three years or above of experience in retail management
- 具有領導、決策及分析能力
- Possess leadership, decision-making and analytical skills
- 良好人事管理和溝通技巧
- Good people management and communication skills
- 良好銷售技巧及顧客服務態度
- Good sales skills and customer service attitude
- 能操流利廣東話、良好英語及普通話
- Fluent in Cantonese and good command in english and Mandarin
- 具基本電腦應用知識
- Possess basic computer application knowledge
Counter Manager - Hong Kong, 香港 - La Mer
Job Descriptions 工作範圍:
Job Requirements入職要求: